I’m the creator of Export Different Paths – Travel At Your Comfort

As a Content Writer and Blogger

I’ve been into writing since 2015, I used to write for various platforms at that time, but my journey started as a Content Writer in 2020. I joined Linkedin, which is much more than just a Social Media platform. I penned my thoughts here and still creating content on Linkedin – A home for every creator to share their stories.

I also started writing articles on Medium.com in 2021 and started my journey as a Blogger where connecting to like-minded people and gaining more knowledge enhances my experience and knowledge every day. Medium has given me the freedom to express my thoughts with like-minded people.

About Explore Different PathsMy Blog

I have been traveling since childhood so am fond of traveling. I love to explore new places, meet new people, and learn about new cultures. During my traveling, I got a chance to meet new people, a new world, various delicious cuisine, and new cultures. I’m always on the lookout for some interesting things that I found in traveling and to share my travels I needed a platform where I can share those amazing memories with you all hence Explore Different Paths was born. As I’m into writing so I thought why not share my traveling journey on a platform so that you all get a chance to know more and more about my passion for traveling, that’s why I started Explore Different Paths.

Life is really an exciting episode and meant to be lived fully and happily. Traveling is a beautiful part of this life and opens a lot of opportunities for me. All my traveling has been around India. I’ve seen a lot of places here during my travel. In this Blog, you’ll find useful information about different places along with travel tips, guides, and, Itineraries.

Along with these tips, I’ll also share stories about offbeat places and food. It is my aim to provide you with accurate information about travel e.g. proper planning, budget travel, etc.

As I’m a traveler and my traveling experience made me a storyteller. My travel stories have found a voice on my blog, www.exploredifferentpaths.com

Apart from traveling, two things I love the most – a cup of Coffee and Books.

India — my beautiful country which consists of different wonders and mesmerizes everyone — be it Domestic or International travelers“.

I love the different cultures of my country. I’m a person who is beyond any caste, creed, or religion, who is just spiritual because spirituality is her strength. I admire all religions because in my opinion that there’s only one God which is in all of us.

And you know the best part is — Travel has taught me all these things. Amazing and Wonderful things I’ve learned so far through Traveling”.

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